First contact with EON

Hi, explorer...

You have found eon.js, a framework that will allow you to build amazing web-based applications in no time.

Does it look like the DOM API? that's because it's the DOM API (^_^)
>declarative (html)
Import any eon.js component and use it just like any other regular HTML element.
<eon-button label="hello"></eon-button>
>programmatic (javascript)
Use JavaScript DOM API to create eon.js components programmatically.
var button = document.createElement("eon-button");

button.label = "world";


Nested Components
No Mandatory Transpiler
Direct DOM
Native HTML/JS DOM syntax
Includes UI Components
HTML logic less
Custom Imports
Language Support
PWA Support


Using eon-cli:
npm install @vimlet/eon-cli -g
eon-cli init
From GitHub releases:
Using our CDN:
<script src=""></script>
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